St. Alban's Church, Tattenhall
Coming Up...
This page is continually updated - check regularly for new information.
Click on underlined words to view full text description of service or event.
Visit the Poster Gallery to view regular Notice Board posters.
Scheduled services and events
including 'private' use of the church
Determine the occurrence number in the month
for the day of interest. Private use is dated.
Some group meetings may be cancelled due to festive occasions (Easter, Christmas etc. or private bookings)
​Every Monday OPAL Tattenhall Activities Club
10:00am to 12:00pm in the Community Room.
Usually on the first Monday of the month
and depends on school term-time
2:00pm-4:00pm U3A 'Poetry for Pleasure' Group
in the Community Room
On the third Monday of the month
7:00pm-9:00pm Sandstone Ridge Trust
in the Community Room
Every Tuesday - Meditation in the Church
6:15pm - 7:00pm in the Church
Every Tuesday - Bell Ringing Practice
7:30pm-9:00pm in the tower
Extra tuition for learners by arrangement on tied bells
usually Monday and Wednesday 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Lent Course 2025 - each Wednesday
12th March to 9th April 6.00pm - 7.00pm
in the Community Room
​Every Wednesday - Morning Service
10:00am-10:45am with
Holy Communion at 10:00am followed by
Warm Place, Coffee and Chat
10:45-11:30am in the Community Room​​​
​​​​On the first Thursday of the month
10:30am-12:30pm Music Group
in the Community Room
​​On the first Friday of the month
12:00pm-2:00pm "Food & Friends"
- bring your friends and have a two-course meal
(no cost to you, but a suggested donation of £3 is appreciated)
All are welcome - in the Community Room
On the second and fourth Friday of the month
10:30am-12:30pm U3A 'Mahjong for beginners'
in the Community Room
(If this clashes, the Loss Cafe will be rearranged as necessary.
On the third Friday of the month
11:00am-1:00pm Pageturners
in the Community Room
On the last Friday of the month
at 10:00am Loss Cafe
in the Community Room
​June 7th - Blessing only - 11:00am​
September 20th - Marriage - 2:00pm
April 20th - baptism during 10:30 Service
June 8th - baptism during 10:30 Service
July 6th - baptism during 10:30 Service
Every Sunday
8:00am Holy Communion
10:30am Parish Eucharist
EXCEPT on the 1st Sunday of the month
Family Songs of Praise with breakfast / brunch
and Sunday School activities.​
Usually on the second Sunday of the month
March 9th - Tattenhall Music Society
6:30pm-8:30pm - Doors open 5:45pm
Special services and events
may replace a scheduled item.
If you have any questions you can
send us a message HERE
with breakfast/brunch and
Sunday School activities
Sunday 2nd February from 9:45am
(First Sunday)
St Alban’s church choir singing at the end of a recent 'Family Songs of Praise' service. Why not join us at this service and enjoy a bacon buttie either before or after the service, too?