St. Alban's Church, Tattenhall
St Alban's Foodbank
Throughout the year, St Alban’s Church fundraises and holds various appeals for the good of the Church. We keenly support various outside appeals, too; one of the these being the local Foodbank. When an appeal is made, usually at Harvest or Christmas time, local residents have the opportunity to donate by leaving non-perishable food items in the Porch or at the back of the Church which is normally open during the day. We ensure that the items are appropriately distributed locally by working with The Trussell Trust. All goods are passed to them, and they then make up bespoke food parcels for families in need.
If you wish to donate to this cause at any time of the year, please leave items at the back of the Church or in the Church Porch and we will ensure items are passed on.
If you feel that the Foodbank would be a useful support to yourself during a time of crisis please contact:
George Richards 01829 770482
or Ruth Morgan 01829 771841
or send us a message HERE